Feb 08, 2025  
2022-2023 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2028 
2022-2023 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2028 [Archived Catalog]

Student Services



Academic Advising and Support Services

Advising at Truman State University is student-centered. It is a collaborative, campus-wide endeavor involving faculty, staff, and students in both formal and informal relationships. It is a key component of student development and wellness within the context of a liberal arts education.

Advising empowers the Truman student community – from prospective students through alumni – to take ownership of their future by setting and achieving holistic, individualized goals for students both during their time at Truman and after graduation.

Advisors and students partner together to prepare students for lifelong success.

Through academic advising, students:

  • learn to practice self-reliance and self-reflection;
  • develop independent decision-making skills;
  • learn to set priorities and evaluate their progress so that they get the most out of their Truman experiences;
  • further develop an understanding of the meaning and value of a liberal arts education;
  • learn to understand and articulate the connections between their course choices, co-curricular involvements, major, and future career plans; and
  • learn about graduation requirements, campus policies, regulations, and resources.

Advisors have the responsibility to:

  • know graduation requirements, campus policies, regulations, and resources;
  • articulate the connections between courses, co-curricular involvements, majors, and career plans for students in their discipline including discussion of undergraduate research, study abroad, internships, and graduate or professional school opportunities;
  • provide support, feedback, encouragement and criticism about attitudes, abilities, work habits, talents and behavior of advisees;
  • help advisees identify interests and values, improve educational outlook, evaluate career options, and develop skill-building strategies;
  • learn about the accomplishments, interests and academic concerns of their advisees;
  • be accessible to their advisees; and
  • follow University policies regarding student privacy rights including FERPA.

Advisees have the responsibility to:

  • take the initiative for meeting regularly with their advisors and be prepared for the meetings;
  • read the catalog and be familiar with graduation requirements, campus policies and regulations;
  • provide their advisors with information about their interests, goals, educational and career plans;
  • think critically about the relationship between the courses they choose to enroll in and their personal, professional, and intellectual goals; and
  • take responsibility for fulfilling graduation requirements and accepting the consequences of their decisions.

Center for Academic Excellence

Full-time professional advisors in the Center for Academic Excellence provide instructional and academic support services. They assist with such administrative tasks as freshmen summer registration and Truman Week, and they provide informational workshops on the Dialogues to new faculty and students. The Center for Academic Excellence academic advisors offer student developmental, academic skill, and career programming. These professional Advisors also maintain liaisons with the academic programs and other key administrative offices. The intention of these connections is to provide systematic support for the academic, career, and personal needs of Truman students.


During the summer before the first semester of enrollment, each student is assigned an advisor. All entering students work with a professional academic advisor within the Center for Academic Excellence. The Center for Academic Excellence advisors also work closely with faculty in the disciplines to provide guidance to declared majors.

Upperclassmen who have not chosen a major (“undeclared” students) continue to receive their academic advising from the professional advisors on staff in the Center for Academic Excellence. Those upperclass students who have declared a major typically have a faculty member who assists them with academic and career planning issues throughout the remainder of their Truman careers. 

This advising assistance does not relieve the student of the personal responsibility to study the General Catalog and fulfill the requirements of the chosen degree; however, it does provide the student with a valuable resource for answering questions concerning courses, majors, and educational plans beyond the bachelor’s degree.

Student Life


Student Life is responsible for the administration of a variety of facilities, services, and activities designed to enhance the out-of-class experiences of students. Student Life programs and services include Campus Recreation, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Leadership Development and Student Activities, Office of Citizenship and Community Standards, SERVE Center, Student Health Center, Union and Involvement Services, and University Counseling Services.

In addition to serving as advocates for student needs, Student Life contributes to the liberal arts and sciences culture of Truman State University through emphasizing the holistic development of students. Through services, activities, and programming, Student Life offers students opportunities to connect with Truman and the surrounding community; explore cultural and other forms of human diversity; demonstrate intellectual competence and reflective judgment; practice habits that promote physical, emotional, social and spiritual well-being; and develop skills of effective leadership and responsible citizenship.

The Student Life Office is located in 3100 Student Union Building, phone: (660) 785-4111, email: studentlife@truman.edu,or online at https://www.truman.edu/student-affairs.

Campus Recreation


Campus Recreation provides programs, facilities, and services for enhancing the health and well being of students, faculty, and staff.  The Fitness/Wellness Program offers personal training, weight-room orientations, well-being information, and a myriad of noncredit classes from dance to cardio training to yoga.  Intramural Recreational Sports sponsors healthy competition in individual and team sport activities.  The Student Recreation Center contains many areas for self-directed activities: three-court hardwood floor gym for basketball, volleyball, pickle ball  and badminton, jogging track, aerobics/dance studio, auxiliary gym with multipurpose floor for indoor soccer, roller hockey, and other activities and a weight room and fitness areas filled with exercise equipment.  The Student Recreation Center is an auxiliary operation supported primarily by student fees.  Information is posted online at http://recreation.truman.edu, or you may call (660) 785-4847. 

Career Center


The University Career Center is located on the first floor of the Student Union Building, the center of student activity on campus. The Career Center’s main goal is to assist students in their own individualized career decision-making process. This assistance includes the exploration of academic majors, the development and critique of résumés and cover letters, mock interview practice, coaching on how to use virtual platforms and all aspects of the internship and job search process. The Career Center coordinates employer visits and on-campus interviews, facilitates career and graduate school expos, posts job opportunities, and offers workshops on career planning, job search, and graduate school admission topics.  The resource library and website provide students with information on an array of career-related topics.  Career services are provided virtually and/or in person. Career Center staff are available for individualized and group career assistance. To learn more, please visit http://career.truman.edu

Union & Involvement Services


Union and Involvement Services (U&I) provides engagement opportunities and services for students, in addition to overseeing the Union. The staff works to build a supportive environment where all students can find opportunities to get involved in student organizations and programs, develop skills through their engagement and seek leadership opportunities. In addition to individualize services offered, the U&I also directly oversees student Homecoming activities and provides advisement of the three fee based organizations. To learn more, visit: http://involvement.truman.edu.

Department of Public Safety


Mission Statement: The Truman State Department of Public Safety will provide a safe, secure, and orderly learning and living environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors and establish a partnership with the University community to protect life, property, and the rights and dignity of all individuals.

The Department of Public Safety consists of the University Police Department, Parking Services and University Fleet Vehicles. The University Police Department provides both emergency and non-emergency assistance to the University community.

The Department offers escort services, houses the central lost and found department, provides safekeeping for firearms and provides crime prevention programs, including rape aggression defense. The Department encourages everyone to report crimes which occur on campus to the University Police Department.

The Department of Public Safety is located in the General Services Building (formerly Grim-Smith) at the corner of Franklin and Patterson Streets. Please enter the Department of Public Safety from the west side (Franklin Street) under the drive thru canopy.

The Department of Public Safety has a receptionist on-duty daily from 7:30 am to 10 pm except for University Holidays. A police officer, however, is on-duty 24 hours and can be reached in an emergency by dialing 911; non-emergency (660) 665-5621. Parking Services or distribution of Parking Decals hours are Monday-Friday 8 am-2:30 pm.

Emergency: 911
Central Dispatch (non-emergency): (660) 665-5621
Department of Public Safety: (660) 785-4176
Web site: http://police.truman.edu

Student Access and Disability Services


Access to Services and Accommodations through the Office of Student Access and Disability Services 

The Office of Student Access and Disability Services (OSA) at Truman State University is here to assist students with disabilities to transition and matriculate through courses at the university level. The following framework is intended to assist students, parents and other interested parties in the process of gaining access to educational programs and services at Truman.

An individual is covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act when the individual has an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. The ADA defines a person with a disability as someone who (a) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits that person in one or more major life activities (such as walking, vision, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working, performing manual tasks and caring for oneself), (b) has a record of such impairment or (c) is regarded as having such an impairment. In an educational setting these may include but are not limited to reading, writing, note taking, listening, comprehension, visual impairment, test taking, performing manual motor-based skills in an educational setting due to physical impairment. 

Unlike the K-12 setting, it is the student’s responsibility to self–disclose the disability, request services, and provide adequate documentation to the OSA. The student is also responsible for requesting accommodations in a timely manner and abiding by the accommodation procedures agreed upon with the OSA. Accommodations cannot be retroactive.

Truman State University and the OSA are responsible for ensuring students have equal access and encouraging success. At the post-secondary level, accommodations are individualized for each student to the extent that the specific impact of the disability is appropriately accommodated. To determine eligibility for services that provide equal access to educational activities, a three part assessment is utilized. This assessment process requires: 1) application, 2) documentation of the disability and how it substantially impacts major life activity, and 3) an intake/interactive process with the OSA.

Disability Documentation

Students must provide written documentation of any current disability that substantially limits one or more life activities. The documentation generally should contain the following information:

  1. Verification of the nature and extent of the disability in accordance with current professional standards.
  2. A complete disclosure of any testing measurement tools/scores, prepared by a licensed clinical or educational professional familiar with the history and functional implications of the disability. The report should use adult scales and be current (usually within the last three years). The report should be typed on professional office letterhead, dated and signed. 
  3. Evidence of a current impairment (current functioning) as well as a historical review as appropriate.
  4. A link between functional limitation(s) and specific accommodation requests, based on formal and informal assessment and testing. The impact of the disability on a post-secondary setting should be included when possible. Evidence of a correlation between the assessment and the needed accommodation should be provided. 
  5. In the case of multiple disorders, documentation for each area is required and must be relevant to the requested accommodation(s).

For more information, please refer to our website at http://disabilityservices.truman.edu.

Accommodation History

Although a copy of an IEP or 504 Plan are not essential, they can be helpful in determining accommodations that made a positive difference in the student’s high school education. Some accommodations provided in high school can also be used at the post-secondary level. Please be aware that due to the differences between the Individuals with Disabilities Education ACT (IDEA) and the ADA, some of the accommodations previously granted to a student may no longer be available to that student in a post-secondary situation. An example of this would be modified assignments. Reasonable Accommodations that are necessary for access, related to disability, at a post-secondary level cannot fundamentally alter a course nor degree requirements.  If it is determined that a student is eligible to receive services, appropriate accommodations will be determined by the Director of Student Access and Disability Services in consultation with the student and documentation provided and if warranted instructors and appropriate campus personnel. There are occasions in which “reasonable accommodations” may differ somewhat from a student’s specific request. Examples of some frequently used accommodations (but far from an exhaustive list): reasonable extended time for testing; testing in a separate, quiet, distraction-reduced room; audiobooks; screen readers; lecture recordings; tests printed in a larger font; etc.   

If a student requests an accommodation in a post-secondary setting that was not utilized in high school, supporting documentation needs to be clear in substantiating this need. Many times this has come about with new testing or testing recently completed on an adult scale.

Food Service


Truman State University operates two Dining Halls (Ryle and Missouri), 2 C-Stores (Dobson and West Campus), Einstein’s Brothers Bagel (Student Union Building), proudly-served Starbucks (Library), and a food court in the Student Union Building, which serves Chick-Fil-A, Mein Bowl, Tres Habanero, and Sizzle/Salad/and Spuds, all of which are open to all students, faculty and staff members. Off-campus meal plans are available to all students who do not live in university housing and may be purchased through your TruView account. Faculty and staff can also purchase bonus bucks online or at the Sodexo dining office located at the Student Union Building. Bonus bucks are loaded onto the Truman identification cards. All students, faculty, and staff members are issued a Truman State University identification card which must be brought with you for every time you wish to use your meal plan, dining flex dollars or bonus bucks.

Student Health Services


The Student Health Center, located mid-campus in the McKinney Center, is operated by Complete Family Medicine, and provides access to a physician, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, a medical billing specialist, and a medical receptionist.  Appointments are scheduled by calling the office at (660) 785-4182.  Insurance billing is provided as a service to students who submit their insurance information.

All incoming students are required to submit a confidential medical history and proof of immunizations. Vaccine requirements can be found at: https://truman.cfmcares.com/incoming-student-requirements/.  State law prevents students from moving in to University housing facilities without evidence of a current meningitis vaccination. Students who do not provide evidence of MMR vaccinations are blocked from class registration for the following semester.  Students requesting a waiver from the immunization policy for medical or religious reasons must have titers (a test that measures the levels of antibodies in the blood) performed as appropriate.  In the event of a disease outbreak, any student who is not immune by titer or proof of immunization may be required to leave campus without refund of tuition or fees.

Center for International Students


The Center for International Students (CIS) encompasses International Admissions and International Student Services. The mission of the Center for International Students is to recruit a diverse and highly qualified international student population and empower them to be successful at Truman and throughout their lives.

The CIS plays a unique role in the lives of international students. Part family member, part advisor, part mentor, part teacher, part guide, part social director, and part friend- staff begins their support of the students during recruitment and continues to build that relationship throughout their time at Truman and beyond.

Studying in a different country where every aspect of the culture, education, and social experience is unfamiliar creates a void for students that the CIS works to fill by utilizing teams of current American and International students in a “students empowering students” model that facilitates independence, satisfaction, and success in new international students.

For more information, contact the Center for International Students, Baldwin Hall 104. Phone: (660) 785-4215; E-mail: intladmit@truman.edu. For online information, visit the Center for International Students website at https://international.truman.edu.

Center for Diversity and Inclusion


The Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI), located in Baldwin Hall, serves the Truman State University community by supporting diverse groups academically, emotionally, and socially. We are grounded in inclusive excellence that invites the campus to engage academically and socially with identity development, intersectionality, inter-group relations and justice to develop a consciousness for the common good at Truman State University and the global community.

We accomplish our goals by enacting our Inclusive Excellence Framework that focuses on five values:

  • Access & Success (Advocate): Strategically removing barriers for historically underrepresented groups while increasing the development of and equitable access to resources that which supports all students, faculty, and staff academically, socially and emotionally.
  • Campus culture & Intergroup Relations (Engage): The purposeful fostering of an equity-minded academy dedicated to forming and strengthening socially just learning and working environments which fosters a culture of excellence by engaging diverse people, ideas, and perspectives.
  • Education & Scholarship (Educate): A focus on intercultural academic instruction and scholarly opportunities though the development of socially competent and inclusive curricular, co-curricular, and research content that aligns student learning outcomes with transformative experiences.
  • Community Partnership (Collaborate): The continual engagement of community allies in a cooperative endeavor to provide education, resources, and opportunities expanding the impact of campus-based diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
  • Infrastructures & Investment: The creation of sustainable transformative change within the systemic, structural, political, and symbolic dimensions of Truman’s organizational culture, developing more full-bodies, innovative, and applicable strategies for identifying, addressing, and eliminating barriers to equity and inclusion.

The utilization of these best practices helps us to develop programs and workshops where individuals can have critical conversations on issues related to diversity, inclusion, and social justice. In addition, the CDI celebrates the many cultural groups that make up the Truman community. Finally, the CDI offers spaces for studying, informal social gathering and meetings, and relaxing between classes. More information can be found at http://diversity.truman.edu.

Parking Services


All vehicles parked in University parking lots are required to obtain and properly display a valid Truman State University parking decal. Faculty, staff and students may register vehicles on their TruView homepage by selecting “Register Your Vehicle” under View & Update Personal Information.

The regulations pertain to all vehicles, including, but not limited to, motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, trucks, automobiles, and buses. A campus map with Parking and Traffic Regulations may be picked up any time at the Department of Public Safety or may be viewed on our Web page, http://police.truman.edu.

Students and faculty/staff who own, maintain or operate motor vehicles on the University campus are responsible for violations regardless of whether or not that individual had possession or was operating the motor vehicle at the time of the violation. It is the responsibility of the owner to advise any driver of University rules and regulations. Lack of space is not an acceptable excuse for violation of any parking regulation.

Parking decals remain the property of the University and are issued to park in designated areas. Parking decals serve as permission to park and do NOT guarantee a parking space close in proximity. Decals are NOT transferable from one vehicle to another.

Students have one week from the first day of the fall and spring semesters to register vehicles. After the initial registration period, a vehicle must be registered within 48 hours from the time it is brought to the University.

All vehicles in University parking lots must have up-to-date registration and should be operational. In the event that a vehicle becomes disabled, please notify the Department of Public Safety at (660) 785-4176.

Residence Life


Residence Life is responsible for six residence halls and one apartment community, all with modern living facilities and located within easy walking distance of the academic buildings. Room offerings include accommodations for one person, two people, three people, and four people living in a residence hall room or suite-style accommodation. Upper-level students have the option to live in the Campbell Apartments.  Apartments are furnished, with utilities paid, and offer an optional meal plan through food services.  Based on their preferences, students may choose from such options as single-gender rooms, suites, or apartments; gender inclusive suites or apartments; pet-friendly rooms or suites; a sorority-defined community; and specialized Living-Learning Communities (LLCs) are for those students interested in connecting their classroom experience to their on-campus living experience. 

Professionally-trained, full-time live-in Hall Directors along with student Community Coordinators and Student Advisors work in the on-campus residences to assist students in adjusting to and succeeding in college life.  Living on campus affords students the opportunity to mature in their interpersonal skills, in balancing independence and communal responsibility, and in establishing their self-direction and life-goals. Numerous social, recreational, and leisure activities and opportunities for peer interaction also exist in the residence halls.  Residence Life has web-based resources that outline the policies, services, and building information for all of the residential facilities on campus.  Specific housing information is distributed to first-year students at the time they submit their housing application; upper-level residents obtain updates via their e-mail account, checking the website http://www.truman.edu/residence-life/, or contacting the Residence Life Office.

Student Identification Cards


The Truman ID card serves as a multipurpose identification card, library card, meal card (when a meal plan has been purchased), as well as providing Recreation Center and Residence Hall access. The Truman ID Card Office is located in Missouri Hall 1100. The hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

The ID cards are non-transferable and University property. As such, forgery, alteration, or misuse may result in disciplinary or monetary sanctions. The ID card should be carried at all times while on campus property to identify oneself when requested.

A $25.00 replacement fee is charged for lost and stolen cards. The replacement fee can be charged directly to your student account or can be paid immediately at the University Cashier with cash or a debit/credit card. A lost or stolen card should be reported to the ID Office, Missouri Hall 1100, (660) 785-4123.

Center for Academic Excellence


Located on the first floor of Kirk Building, the Center for Academic Excellence is a multi-faceted peer academic support program that provides the Truman community with a range of programs and services designed to enhance both individual learning and in-class performance. The center provides tutoring services (individual, group, online) in a variety of courses, supplemental instruction (academic assistance program that utilizes regularly scheduled peer-assisted study sessions), TruSuccess Consultations (individual study skills consultations), and TruSuccess Workshops (study skills and learning strategies workshops). The Center also provides advising to freshmen and select upperclassmen. See the website for more information and tutoring schedules at http://successcenter.truman.edu.

Student Union


The Student Union Building (SUB or Union) serves as the heart of the Truman State University campus community. It provides facilities for both formal and informal social, academic, cultural, and recreational life for the campus and the community. Many students use the Union to take advantage of its spaces, services, and programs. You will often find students taking a break between classes or engaging in a unique event in our facility. Visit http://union.truman.edu for more information on offices, services, spaces, policies, and programs in the building.

Testing Services


A number of services are available to students, prospective students, or community members through the Assessment and Testing Office. Various standardized tests are administered via paper and pencil-based or computer-based modes of testing. For more information about available services, testing dates, and associated fees, visit http://testing.truman.edu. Associated with Assessment and Testing is an ETS Institutional Computer-based Testing Center (CBT) and a Pearson VUE Select CBT. Tests commonly administered include:

  1. Tests for college freshmen and seniors as required by the University as part of the University Assessment Program.
  2. Undergraduate admissions tests serving local community needs: American College Testing Program (ACT), Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA).
  3. CLEP tests for course credit. (See the Academic Policies and Procedures and the Transferring In and Testing Out sections of this catalog.) A brochure explaining opportunities for credit by examination is available from the Registrar’s Office or on their website at http://registrar.truman.edu under Transferring Credit.
  4. National tests for admission to graduate and professional programs: Graduate Record Examination (GRE), Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT), Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), Miller Analogies Test (MAT), and GRE Subject Exams.
  5. National and state tests for students and the community for evaluating proficiencies, licensing or certifying purposes; actuarial exams, Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments (MEGA) and other content area assessments, the Praxis Series exams, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), Certified Exercise Physiologist exam, Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) exam and IT exams.
  6. Proctoring Services for online or correspondence exams.
  7. Civics exam requirement per Missouri Senate Bill 807 - 170.013.

University Counseling Services


University Counseling Services (UCS) is operated by Complete Family Medicine, and provides affordable and confidential individual, group, and relationship counseling to all registered Truman students. Counselors are available for in-person visits or virtual appointments. In partnership with Mark Twain Behavioral Services, counselors are on-call for 24 hour crisis assistance. In addition, the staff of UCS provides educational programming and consultation and referral services to the University community. For more information, please visit the UCS website at http://truman.cfmcares.com/.

Women’s Resource Center


The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) provides resources and programs for all students including women, men, and the LGBTQ community. WRC services include educational and entertainment-based programs, hygiene products, and educational documents on various topics related to physical, mental, and sexual health. The student staff of the WRC works to encourage a safe environment by providing peer-to-peer support and appropriate referrals for mental health and personal crisis. The WRC is located in the lower level of the Student Union, near the Student Involvement Complex. The WRC was originally created by students and continues to be managed by students. Additional information is available at http://wrc.truman.edu.

The Writing Center


The Writing Center, located in PML 107, provides the University community with a comfortable environment for writers to talk and write. Writing Consultants work with writers at all levels of competence, from all disciplines, at any stage of the writing process – inventing, drafting, revising, and editing – or for sharing ideas about writing strategies and techniques. The Center serves writers either by appointment or during walk-in hours without an appointment. For more information, call (660) 785-4484.

University Bookstore

The Truman State University Bookstore has all your course materials, computers and supplies at the ready. Textbooks are available for purchase or rent in both new and used formats. Digital formats are also available when publishers provide this option. The Bookstore plays an important role in preparing students for academic success.

The Bookstore also carries a large collection of Truman apparel, emblematic items, general books and other merchandise, perfect for showing off your Truman pride or giving as gifts to family and friends. Special events and sales occur throughout the year. From day one through your graduation, the Truman Bookstore has everything you need to succeed.

Through our partnership with Follett, a portion of the Bookstore revenue is share with the University to offset operating costs associated with the Student Union Building (SUB).