Feb 08, 2025  
2022-2023 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2028 
2022-2023 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2028 [Archived Catalog]

Graduate Studies

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MAc   Master of Accountancy Data Science
MA   Master of Arts Disability Studies: Applied Behavior Analysis
MAE   Master of Education  
MAT   Master of Athletic Training  
MS   Master of Science  


Graduate Programs


Leadership (MA)  


English (MA)  
Music (MA)  


Accountancy (MAc)  


Athletic Training (MAT)  
Communication Disorders (MA)  
Counseling: Mental Health Counseling (MA)  
Counseling: School Counseling (MA)  
Disability Studies: Applied Behavior Analysis (MA)  
Gifted Education (MA)  
Education (MAE)  - with emphases in:
  Elementary Education
  Exercise Science - Physical Education
  Foreign Language - French, Latin, Spanish
  History/Social Science
  Science - Biology, Chemistry, Physics
  Special Education
  Speech & Theatre


Data Science and Analytic Storytelling (MS)  

Graduate Program Objectives

Each of these programs at Truman State University provides a high-quality graduate educational experience while preparing graduates for their future career goals.

Truman’s Graduate Program Objectives are:

  1. To graduate master’s degree students who possess the appropriate depth of knowledge in specific disciplines.
  2. To graduate master’s degree students able to perform in appropriate professional and academic positions.
  3. To graduate master’s degree students who exhibit the attributes of a liberally educated person.
  4. To graduate master’s degree students qualified to enter and succeed in doctoral programs at leading universities.

Graduate admission and academic administration are facilitated by Truman’s Office of Admission and the Graduate Office. The Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs (EVPAA)/Provost coordinates the graduate programs in cooperation with the School Deans. Each program has a faculty member who serves as a Graduate Program Director and a faculty representative who serves on the Graduate Council.

Although most information pertaining to graduate students is found in the following information, general information of use to graduate students may also be found in other sections of this catalog (e.g., Student Services, Student Involvement, etc.). Please be certain to review both the information in the Graduate Studies and specific program sections of the catalog.




  1. Degree-seeking students are those who intend to pursue a degree, have submitted the required application form and all supporting materials, and have met the scholastic requirements for admission to a program.*
  2. Non-degree seeking students are persons who are interested in taking undergraduate or graduate courses but are not interested in pursuing a degree. 
  3. Undergraduate Seniors desiring to take courses for graduate credit may take two graduate courses for up to 8 credit hours before receiving their Bachelor’s degree unless an exception is stipulated by a specific graduate program.* The students must meet the graduate performance standards demanded in the course and will be charged graduate tuition rates for any graduate courses they enroll in. Eligibility criteria are:
    • Lack 30 credits or fewer for meeting baccalaureate degree requirements;
    • Have a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.5 at the end of the term preceding the semester in which they wish to take a course for graduate credit.

*Note: Students should consult the program description and policies of the applicable graduate program to determine whether exceptions to the customary limits apply.

Concurrent Enrollment in Baccalaureate and Graduate Degree Programs

Select Truman graduate programs, and partnerships with graduate programs at other institutions, may establish conditions whereby graduate credits may be applied simultaneously to both an undergraduate and graduate degree. In these instances, undergraduate students who have completed both the core and major requirements of the baccalaureate degree (unless an exception is stipulated by a specific undergraduate program), but have not yet earned the total hours required for graduation, may enroll in graduate coursework and have the credits earned apply to both the undergraduate and graduate degree. Upon completion of all of the requirements for the undergraduate degree, the bachelor’s degree shall be awarded. The graduate degree shall be awarded upon completion of all graduate degree requirements.

The goal of such programs and partnerships is to accelerate the path to completion of both the bachelor’s and master’s degree – particularly, but not exclusively, in those fields where a master’s degree is the preferred credential for employment or licensure.

To be eligible to apply graduate credit toward the completion of an undergraduate degree, students must:

  1. Be admitted to a Truman graduate program or partnership with a graduate institution which has been approved by the University for concurrent enrollment.
  2. Have earned at least 90 credits toward their baccalaureate degree.
  3. Receive the approval of their undergraduate advisor and the graduate director or department chair of their chosen graduate program, whichever is applicable.

Programs offering this option will describe a recommended plan of work for timely completion of both degrees in the applicable sections of the catalog and may prescribe additional conditions for being admitted to the graduate program while still completing the baccalaureate degree. Students approved for concurrent enrollment will pay graduate tuition rates for all graduate credits attempted. Unless specifically prohibited by the terms of the scholarship, Truman financial aid will apply only to the value of undergraduate tuition and the difference in cost will be incurred by the student.

Despite being enrolled in graduate coursework, concurrently enrolled students will not be considered to have earned the bachelor’s degree until they have completed all of the requirements of the bachelor’s degree, including assessment requirements and clearance materials, as described below. Likewise, concurrently enrolled students will not be considered graduate students until they have completed the requirements of the bachelor’s degree.


Admission for applicants who have a bachelor’s degree and intend to pursue a master’s degree is based upon acceptance by the respective program’s admission committee. Preferential acceptance is given to those students who possess a 3.00 undergraduate GPA or above and acceptable test scores as required. Students who have received less than a 2.75 undergraduate GPA are generally not eligible for admission.

Full admission to a graduate program at Truman State University is based on program-specific criteria. Please see each specific program’s section of the catalog. Degree-seeking students admitted to a graduate program must enroll and begin classes at Truman State University during one of the subsequent three terms (counting summer as a single term) after receiving official notice of acceptance from the Graduate Office, or re-apply.

To apply for a graduate program offered at Truman:

  • complete an application, either through Graduate Studies or program-specific website;
  • pay the $40.00 application;
  • applicants who did not earn an undergraduate degree at Truman need to submit all transcripts. Applicants who earned an undergraduate degree at Truman are not required to submit additional transcripts; and
  • meet other criteria as specified by the program.

The student must submit official transcripts for all undergraduate and graduate credit. Unofficial transcripts are accepted for the application process, but final, official transcripts must be received by the time an admitted student begins classes. The transcripts should be sent to the Graduate Office at Truman State University. Transcripts may be submitted electronically.

  • The application materials will be reviewed by the appropriate program personnel.
  • Those personnel will make recommendations to the Dean of the School.
  • The Dean of the School will consider the recommendations and make the final decision.
  • The Office of Admission will notify the student via the application portal of the admission decision.

Unless otherwise noted by a program, in their section of the catalog, deadlines for receipt of graduate application materials by the Graduate Office for all programs are as follows (all materials, including official exam scores and letters of recommendation, must be received by the Graduate Office by these dates):

  1. For the spring semester: November 1.
  2. For the summer term: April 1.
  3. For the fall semester: June 1* (except for MAE applicants, for whom this deadline is April 1).

*Students who wish to apply for a GTRA/GAA position should indicate that on their graduate application. Please see the information about Graduate Teaching/Research Assistantships in the Financial Aid part of this section of the catalog for more details.


Anyone who has already completed a Truman graduate degree or has been admitted to one graduate program and wants to pursue an additional graduate degree must complete a full application for the additional graduate program and be admitted according to the additional program’s criteria. A minimum of 6 credit hours must be taken in pursuit of an additional Truman graduate degree or certificate. Up to 80% of the credits for a graduate degree can come from previously earned Truman graduate credits as established by individual programs and pending determination by program faculty that the coursework is still current and meets requirements for the new degree sought.


Students with diagnosed learning disabilities may apply and are considered for admission to the University in the same manner as any other applicant and must meet the same admission standards. If required by the program, applicants may submit scores from a non-standard (e.g., extended time) administration of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) to be used in evaluating credentials for admission.

More information about programs and services available to admitted students can be found in the Disability Services section of the Student Services  page of the Catalog.


An international student is defined as any applicant who is not a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States, or who has two years or less experience with the American educational system, regardless of immigration status. All international graduate student applicants must comply with the guidelines and policies listed below.

Under University policy, Truman State University may not enroll a student who is unlawfully present in the United States. All students must provide proof of lawful presence in the United States prior to enrollment.

Minimum application requirements for international students include:

  1. Proof of English proficiency as demonstrated by a minimum TOEFL score of 79, an IELTS score of 6.0, an undergraduate degree from an American university, or an approved alternative proof as publicized on the Center for International Students web page
  2. Completion of the Graduate Student Application for admission, all international student-specific supplemental materials, and any materials required by the specific graduate program to which the student is applying 
  3. Official transcripts and diplomas for all undergraduate coursework
  4. Official GRE or GMAT scores as required by the specific program
  5. The Certificate of Financial Support with supporting bank documents

To obtain and maintain course registration for the semester, the international student must complete the following requirements:

  1. Complete the Truman English Placement Test(s) immediately upon arrival on campus or as directed by staff in the Center for International Students
  2. Enroll in the English support course(s) indicated by the outcome of the Truman English Placement Test(s). English support courses must be taken “for credit”. The courses are not offered “Pass/Fail” and may not be changed to “Credit/No Credit”.
  3. Make all payments for tuition and fees in a timely manner
  4. Pay for the University mandated international student insurance plan which will be charged on the student account
  5. Make any deposits or prepayments required by the University and the Center for International Students
  6. Maintain legal immigration status in the United States
  7. Comply with Tuberculosis testing requirements upon arrival. Previously administered tests are not acceptable.
  8. Submit previous immunization records to the Student Health Center prior to arrival and obtain all required immunizations upon arrival


Students who wish to take a graduate course, but who do not wish to apply to a graduate program, should apply as a Non-Degree Seeking Graduate Student. Any student who possesses a Bachelor’s degree should use this application - even if they intend to enroll in an individual course at the undergraduate level. Helpful instructions on the non-degree seeking application can be found here.

Financial Aid



The University offers a number of Graduate Teaching/Research Assistantships (GTRAs) and Graduate Administrative Assistantships (GAA) for select master’s degree programs. The recipient of an assistantship may be awarded a cash stipend (amount varies) and/or a tuition waiver for up to nine graduate credits per academic semester. All books, supplies, student fees and special course fees are the responsibility of the student.  Job responsibilities are described in each recipient’s individual contract. Graduate Teaching/Research Assistants are not eligible for other University employment during the GTRA contract period.  Graduate Administrative Assistants are eligible for no more than 10 hours per week of University employment during the GAA contract period.


  1. Minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.0.
  2. Full-time degree-seeking graduate student status.
  3. Individual programs may have additional requirements. Please check with the Program Director for details.

Application Process

GAA and GTRA applicants must complete an admission application before they will be considered for the assistantship. Intent to pursue the assistantship must be indicated on the graduate program application form or submitted in writing to the Graduate Office by February 15 if the student has already been admitted. Renewal of the GAA or GTRA assistantship may be recommended by program faculty in consultation with the Department Chair and Dean. As with any admission application, once all materials for an assistantship are complete, they will be forwarded to the relevant Program Director to facilitate the review process within the department. Materials will be forwarded to the Graduate Office as either recommended or denied and require the signature of the Program Director, department chair, and school dean. The EVPAA & Provost will review recommended application materials and, if in agreement with the recommendation to award the assistantship, will forward to the President of the University. The President will review the materials and, if in agreement, will approve the appointment. The Graduate Office will then notify the student and issue the contract.

Special Rules for GTRAs & GAAs

Graduate Administrative Assistants and Graduate Teaching/Research Assistants with academic year appointments are required to carry a combined total of 15 credits of graduate courses per academic year (a minimum of 9 credits in the fall semester and 6 credits in the spring). GAAs and GTRAs with one-semester appointments are required to carry a minimum of nine graduate credits for the semester they are under contract. All GAAs and GTRAs must maintain a 3.00 graduate grade point average.

All GTRAs with teaching duties are subject to the same faculty responsibilities, practices and policies as regular faculty members. Teaching assistants should refer to the University’s Faculty Handbook for current practices, policies and procedures, and to the Department Chair and Dean of their School for any questions about department-specific practices, policies and procedures. 

In compliance with section 170.012 of the Missouri statutes, graduate students who have not received both primary and secondary education in a nation or territory in which English is the primary language shall not be given a teaching appointment during their first semester. In order to teach after that time, the student must pass an English Proficiency exam.



A limited number of fellowships/scholarships are available in certain disciplines. Information and applications are available on request from Program Directors or the appropriate Department Office. Financial aid information for graduate students is available online at https://www.truman.edu/majors-programs/graduate-studies/financial-information/.

Foundation Scholarships

Gifts made to the Truman State University Foundation provide for over 350 annual and endowed scholarships. These scholarships are available to full-time students, including graduate students, in varying amounts and are based on a wide variety of criteria. Current students can apply online via TruView by going to the Tools on the left-hand side and clicking on the Student tab, Student Tools, scroll to the Scholarships, Financial Aid & Loans section, and click on Foundation Scholarship Application. For more information, contact the Advancement Office at 1-800-452-6678.

Loss of Scholarships for Disciplinary Reasons

Recipients of scholarships are expected to display good citizenship and to observe the rules established by the University to guide student conduct. Serious misconduct in violation of such rules shall be grounds for the suspension, revocation, or non-renewal of any or all scholarships held by a student. The Financial Aid Director is authorized to suspend or revoke a scholarship, or to refuse the renewal of such a scholarship, upon notice to the student of his or her alleged misconduct and after affording the student an opportunity to be heard. The action of the Financial Aid Director may be taken in conjunction with, or independent of, an investigation and adjudication by the Dean of Student Life for the purpose of disciplinary action against the student.


The basic purpose of the federal and state government aid programs at Truman State University is to provide encouragement through financial assistance to those students who might not otherwise be able to attend college. Every effort is made to consider the individual needs of each applicant. Sufficient assistance is not always available through one source, but often a combination or “package” may be possible.

Government aid applications take time to process, and funds are in limited supply. It is important to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as possible: www.studentaid.gov. Early application and accuracy in completing the forms will ensure consideration for all campus aid programs.

Graduate students receiving financial aid for full-time attendance must be enrolled in at least 9 credits per semester. To receive aid as a part-time student, the Financial Aid Office must be notified. To continue receiving aid, normal academic progress must be shown so that the degree goals can be reached in the usual allotted time. Information about the academic progress policy will be given to aid recipients at the time of their aid-offer notice and can be found here: https://www.truman.edu/admission-cost/cost-aid/office-of-financial-aid/satisfactory-academic-progress-policy/. Other students interested in applying for student financial aid in the future may obtain a copy of the policy at the Financial Aid Office or online at http://www.truman.edu/admission-cost/cost-aid/office-of-financial-aid. All must meet these criteria to receive consideration.

The Financial Aid Office website is http://financialaid.truman.edu and can be referred to for specific financial aid information. Information about summer school aid is available at https://www.truman.edu/admission-cost/cost-aid/office-of-financial-aid/summer-school-aid-application/.  Information on federal student financial aid programs can be found at www.studentaid.gov. State of Missouri financial aid information can be found at  https://dhewd.mo.gov.



More complete information on fees is outlined in the Fees and Financial Aid  section of this catalog.

Truman Graduate Pricing Tiers:

  1. Initial pricing tiers:
    1. Tier 1 - set at the $265/credit hour rate for the Master’s in Gifted Education courses.
    2. Tier 2 - set at the current graduate rate ($415/credit hour). Courses are defaulted to this standard rate.
    3. Tier 3 - set at the $515/credit hour rate for Master’s in Counseling courses.
  2. If a student is pursuing multiple degree programs, they will pay the price assigned to the courses taken. If a course satisfies requirements in multiple programs and in different pricing tiers, the higher pricing tier will be assigned to the shared course(s).
  3. Graduate programs will be responsible for assessing mandatory fees, technology, program, and special course fees.
  4. Percentage tuition increases will apply to these programs going forward as they do presently.


Fees are subject to revision by the Board of Governors. Payment may be made by MasterCard, Discover, American Express, cash, or check. Checks should be made payable to Truman State University.


The fees below do not include the cost of the cap, gown, and tassel that are sold at the Truman Bookstore located in the Student Union Building. Fees are to be paid during the last semester in residence before the degree is conferred. A late fee of $25 will be applied to students’ accounts who apply after the designated deadline for the semester.

Graduate Degree Candidate   $40.00
Two Graduate Degrees   $50.00

Academic Policies, Procedures, and Registration



The University academic year is divided into fall and spring semesters, a summer term, and December, May, and August Interims. The summer term classes are generally five, eight, or ten weeks in length. Interim session offerings are three weeks in length. Admission to Truman may be effective at the beginning of any semester or term.


Upon acceptance, the student will be assigned to the Program Director, who will act as advisor, or designate other graduate faculty from their department to serve in that role.


Truman State University, in compliance with applicable laws and recognizing its deeper commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion which enhances accessibility and promotes excellence in all aspects of the Truman Experience, does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion, retaliation, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or protected veteran status in its programs and activities, including employment, admissions, and educational programs and activities.


The University has established the following academic standing categories to guide and support students in meeting minimum academic requirements to graduate. Academic standing is determined at the end of each fall, spring, and summer term.

Graduate Academic Probation

Students who earn a semester grade point average of less than 3.00 are on academic probation for that semester. In order to return to good standing, a semester grade point average of 3.00 is required. (The Truman and Cumulative grade point averages must also be at least 3.00 to return to good standing.)

Graduate Academic Suspension

Students whose cumulative Truman GPA is below 3.00 and who earn semester grade point averages below 3.00 for two consecutive terms are suspended. Academically suspended students may not take courses at Truman. Academically suspended students must wait at least one semester before appealing to be reinstated on probation. Their appeal letter should include evidence of their capability and commitment to succeed academically, specifically noting changes that would allow the student to succeed academically if readmitted.

Students who become eligible for suspension a second time will be permanently dismissed from the University.

Graduate Suspension Appeal Policy

Students who believe that they have experienced special or extenuating circumstances contributing to their poor academic performance have the right to appeal a suspension decision. The appeal must be in written form accompanied by supporting documentation, and is to be submitted to the Chair of the Academic Standards Committee via the Academic Appeals link in the Student Tools area of TruView. Appeals regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress form must be submitted to the Financial Aid office.

Graduate Reinstatement Process

After one semester of suspension, a student may petition for reinstatement. The application must be in written form accompanied by supporting documentation, and is to be submitted to the Chair of the Academic Standards Committee via the Academic Appeals link in the Student Tools area of TruView. In evaluating a petition for approval, the Chair considers evidence of academic achievement (transferable credit from another college during the suspension period), any activities or plans that may lead to improved scholastic performance, the student’s grade point average, reasons for poor academic performance, and extenuating circumstances. Appeals regarding reinstatement of financial aid must be submitted to the Financial Aid office.


The 500-699G classification indicates that a graduate performance level is demanded in the course. Five hundred-level courses may be taken for undergraduate (5XX courses) or graduate credit (5XXG courses). Six hundred-level courses (6XXG) are for graduate credit only.


The unit of academic credit at Truman State University is the semester hour. A semester hour is based on 15 hours of lecture and/or recitation. A graduate student commonly completes 18 to 24 credits in an academic year. A typical class carries 3 or 4 credits. The terms semester hour and credit are synonymous.


For graduate students a normal graduate course load (for fall and spring semesters) is 9-12 credits. Nine credits must be taken to be considered a full-time student for financial aid and other purposes, including VA education benefits. Six credits must be taken to be considered half time by Truman.

The maximum standard graduate class load (for fall and spring semesters) is 15 credits. To enroll in 16 graduate credits or more, graduate students must obtain permission from the Chair of the Academic Standards Committee via Academic Appeals

For any combination of five-week or eight-week summer sessions, the minimum number of credits required for full-time status is six credits. The maximum course load for a single five-week session is six credits, and the maximum course load for an eight-week session is fourteen credits.

For graduate students enrolled under Public Law 89-358 (Veteran’s Educational Assistance), 9 graduate credits (for fall and spring semesters and eight-week summer sessions) or 3 graduate credits (for five-week sessions) are required for maximum benefits.

Graduate Teaching/Research Assistants with academic year appointments are required to carry a combined total of 15 credits of graduate courses per academic year (a minimum of 9 credits in the fall semester and 6 credits in the spring). GTRAs with one semester appointments are required to carry a minimum of nine graduate credits for the semester they are under contract. Any deviation from this rule, regardless of the circumstances, must be approved by the EVPAA &Provost.


Truman State University is fully committed to dealing with any improper, unfair, arbitrary or discriminatory treatment. Students or other persons who wish to report a complaint may do so by referring to the procedure for lodging a complaint which can be found on the University’s Report a Complaint page.

For concerns related to specific courses, students are always asked to address their complaint to the professor of the course first when possible, and then take their concerns to the Department Chair if the matter cannot be resolved with the faculty member.


The Graduate Substitution/Inclusion Form is required for the following:

  • Inclusions: graduate credits completed before admission to be included for the degree (a maximum of 6 credits or two courses totaling no more than 8 credits),
  • Substitutions (from Truman or from another university) for courses explicitly required for the degree.

If any of these items apply, the graduate student must submit the Graduate Substitution/Inclusion Form to their Program Director before applying for graduation. If approval for the above items is not on file, the graduation application will be denied.


Graduate students may include up to 6 credits (or two courses totaling no more than 8 credits) of transfer credit in the master’s degree.

All graduate transfer credit must be completed, with a final official transcript submitted to the Graduate Office, at least one semester before the degree is to be conferred. Approval for transfer courses to be included in the master’s degree must be obtained via the Graduate Substitution/Inclusion form.


A graduate student who wishes to change their graduate major after admission to a graduate program as a degree-seeking student must submit a new application to be a degree-seeking student in the new degree program.  The application will be processed by the Office of Admission and forwarded to the admissions committee of the new graduate program for action in accordance with the procedures for admission of new students.


A graduate student may repeat one course (of 4 credits or less) in which a “C”, “D”, or “F” was received. When a course is repeated, both grades remain on the record and both grades are used by Truman State University in determining the grade point average. The initial “C”, “D”, or “F” continues to be counted toward the graduate GPA. Individual programs may choose different standards as described in their section of the catalog.


The grade of “IP” (In Progress) is assigned only in cases such as graduate readings or thesis courses when it is expected that more than one semester will be required for completion. All grades of “In Progress” must be resolved prior to graduation.


Student requests for transcript corrections, e.g. grade, grade type, course number, level (undergraduate to graduate), etc., will not be considered more than two years after the issue of the grade(s), unless the grade appeal process has been activated but not yet resolved for the course(s) in question.


The graduate academic policies and procedures set forth by the faculty governing bodies and the EVPAA & Provost are intended to communicate the high standards and expectations for the degree and to provide direction as the student progresses in the degree program. In certain cases, the student may wish to request a waiver of a specific academic policy or procedure. An academic waiver request will not be recognized by the Graduate Office without the approval signatures of 1) the graduate advisor, 2) the appropriate Department Chair, 3) the Academic Dean, and 4) the EVPAA & Provost. Any graduate student considering a waiver request should consult with his or her advisor before submitting any written request.

Graduation Requirements



Students should use the corresponding Catalog from the year they began their program as a degree-seeking student.

The date of the General/Graduate Catalog by which credits are checked may not be more than five years earlier than the date of the issuance of the degree. A student may not be checked by a catalog dated earlier than the time of their entrance. If a student’s work is interrupted by required service in the armed forces, an extension of time will be allowed equal to the period of interruption.



The thesis may be of research, expository, or critical nature. It must show evidence of a thorough knowledge of original sources. The selection of the topic is to be made with the agreement of the student and the advisor and/or program committee or determined by the discipline and must be approved by the Dean of the School.

The respective disciplines will inform students about acceptable style manuals and other procedures for the thesis. The student must work closely with the thesis advisor and must adhere to the procedures outlined in the “Master’s Thesis Guidelines” (available in TruView).

  1. Thesis Committee Approval Form
    A Thesis Committee Approval Form must be submitted to the Graduate Office at least one semester prior to the expected completion date.
  2. Thesis Defense/Written Comprehensive Exam
    For those students who submit a thesis, the comprehensive examination shall include an oral defense of the thesis. Programs may also require a written comprehensive examination. The examining committee should include the student’s advisor and not fewer than two other graduate faculty members.
  3. Thesis Committee
    The thesis examination committee is chaired by the student’s thesis advisor and includes at least one other graduate faculty member from the discipline in which the thesis was written and one graduate faculty member from another discipline approved by the Dean of the School. The student is responsible for submitting the names of the departmental and external thesis committee members to the Dean of the School for approval, and the committee chair may assist in notifying the committee members of the time and place of the examination. The thesis committee chair is responsible for reporting the committee’s approval of the finished thesis to the Dean of the School and the Graduate Office via the “Report of the Examining Committee” form.
  4. Scheduling the Examination
    The examination shall not be earlier than seven days after the members of the committee receive copies of the thesis and not later than three weeks prior to the commencement at which the student expects to receive the degree. Results of the examination are forwarded by the thesis advisor to the Graduate Office at least one week prior to commencement.
  5. Submission of the Thesis
    All corrections or changes required by the committee and the Dean of the School must be made before the thesis can be accepted by the Graduate Office. Thesis are submitted electronically. Detailed instructions are available on the Graduate Office site within TruView. After submitting the final thesis via ProQuest, the student must present a signed, original Thesis Approval sheet.

After the degree has been granted, and thesis fully approved, it will be published by ProQuest based on options selected by the student.

Other Culminating Experience

Depending on the program, the graduate capstone requirement may be met through activities other than submission of a thesis. Examples include: comprehensive exams, submission of a portfolio, research project, case study, or equivalent. 


An online Application for Graduation must be completed at least one semester prior to the expected date of graduation. The application can be found in TruView - Student Tools - Registration: Apply to Graduate/Graduation Clearance Form - Graduate Graduation Application. A Graduate Substitution/Inclusion Form indicating approval for all exceptions must be on file in the Graduate Office before the Application for Graduation will be approved by the Graduate Office. Approval of the Application for Graduation is based upon:

1. Admission to a graduate program.

2. Successful completion of all graduate coursework and all other requirements for the specific graduate program.

3. Approval of all:

  • graduate credits earned before admission to be included in the major, and/or
  • substitutions (from Truman or from another university) for courses explicitly required in the degree program. Approval for these items may be requested using a Graduate Substitution/Inclusion Form.

4. The following additional requirements:

  1. Residence Credit Requirement: Residency requirements needed for the conferral of the degree are enumerated in the degree requirements for that program.
  2. Transfer: A maximum of 6 credits or two courses totaling no more than 8 credits of transfer credit from an institution other than Truman may be applied toward the master’s degree with the approval of the student’s graduate advisor, Department Chair and the Dean of the School. Formal approval is obtained with the Graduate Substitution/Inclusion Form. The transfer credit must be from an accredited institution offering graduate degrees. An official transcript for the transfer credit must be submitted to the Graduate Office by the Application for Graduation deadline. When the transcript and Graduate Substitution/Inclusion Form are received in the Graduate Office, the request will be considered by the EVPAA & Provost. The Application for Graduation will not be approved until all transfer credit has been approved. 
  3. Workshop/In-Service: No in-service or workshop courses may be applied toward a master’s degree.
  4. Correspondence Credit: No correspondence credit is allowed as part of a master’s degree.
  5. Course Number Requirements: At least 50 percent of the credits must be taken in academic work at the level of 600 or above.
  6. Minimum Credits: The minimum number of credits for graduate programs ranges from 30 to 63 hours.
  7. Incomplete/In Progress Grades: For graduate students, “Incomplete” or “In Progress” grades are allowed to remain on the transcript after graduation only if they are not required for the degree to be conferred (for example, they may remain for an additional graduate degree which is not yet complete.) However, if the course(s) is/are not completed within 7 years, the grade(s) will be changed to “F”.
  8. Grade Point Average: A graduate GPA of 3.0 is required for graduation at the time the degree is granted.
  9. Repeat Courses: A graduate student may repeat one course (of 4 credits or less) in which a “C”, “D”, or “F” was received. When a course is repeated, both grades remain on the record and both grades are used by Truman State University in determining the grade point average. The initial “C”, “D”, or “F” continues to be counted by Truman State University toward the graduate GPA. Individual programs may choose to adopt standards that are more stringent. 
  10. Pass/Fail: No courses in which the grade was pass/fail can be applied toward a degree except the Internships and the MAE Research requirement.
  11. Credit/No Credit: The Credit/No Credit grading option applies only to undergraduate credit. Pre-MAE students should be advised that courses used to meet state certification requirements cannot be taken Credit/No Credit.
  12. Culminating Experience and Examinations: All approved candidates shall successfully complete a comprehensive examination, thesis examination, research project, case study or equivalent. The comprehensive examination may be written and/or oral. The type of examination is determined by department policy. The comprehensive examination is usually taken during the last semester of study. Permission to sit for the exam is granted by the department. Students must have attained a 3.0 graduate GPA before taking the exam. The results of each examination will be reported in writing to the EVPAA & Provost, and to the examinee, on or before the designated deadline (one week before the degree is to be conferred).
  13. Double-Counting Credits when Receiving Multiple Graduate Degree from One Program: A minimum of 6 credits needs to be taken in pursuit of an additional Truman graduate degree or certificate. Up to 80% of the credits for a graduate degree can come from previously earned Truman graduate credits as established by individual programs and pending determination by program faculty that the coursework is still current and meets requirements for the new degree sought. (Example: A student pursuing an English or Music MA degree and a concurrent MAE degree or a previously earned MAE degree.)
  14. Graduation clearance: instructions are sent to each candidate approved for graduation approximately 3-4 weeks prior to the expected date of graduation by the Graduate Office.


While Master’s degrees are conferred in May, August, and December, commencement exercises are held at the end of the fall and spring semesters. To participate in the commencement ceremony, students must have an approved graduation application on file in the Graduate Office, and must have been cleared to graduate pending the satisfactory completion of final degree requirements.

May and December degree candidates should be present for commencement except under unusual circumstances, and should usually participate in commencement at the end of the semester during which they complete their degree. May and December degree candidates may petition to participate in a later commencement ceremony by filing a petition through the Registrar’s Office. May and December degree candidates may not participate in the commencement ceremony in a semester earlier than their semester of graduation.

August degree candidates can participate in the May commencement ceremony immediately prior to their August graduation if a graduation application is received by the Graduate Office prior to April 15, or in the December commencement ceremony following their August graduation. August degree candidates must notify the Graduate Office and the Registrar’s Office of the commencement ceremony in which they wish to participate.